Call for Papers: RGS-IBG London 2020

Call for Papers: RGS-IBG London 2020

Call for Papers for the RGS-IBG London 2020: _______________________________ Session: Nature, Health and Digital: Transcending Borders of Exclusion into Nature Through Innovation in Digital and Immersive Solutions Session organized by: Professor Tabea Bork- Hüffer...
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Bork-Hüffer

Inaugural lecture by Prof. Bork-Hüffer

Tabea Bork-Hüffer will give her inaugural lecture at the University of Innsbruck on 9 October 2019 at 6 pm in the Aula, Main Building, University of Innsbruck. Tabea Bork-Hüffer explores how social practices and power relations change places, cities and societies. The...
Transient Spaces and Societies