Research Group

/Transient Spaces & Societies_


We do research at the intersections of digitisation, mobilities & urbanisation

Learn more about us

This picture shows an example of one of the research projects of the research group. A woman, who is a former research group member holds a smart phone on which she perceives location-based media on the specific spot she stands in in the Rapoldi park in the city of Innsbruck. She is wearing mobile eye-glasses that includes eye-tracking.

What Do We Do?

Digitisation, human mobilities, and urbanisation are major drivers altering spaces and societies from local to global scales. The Transient Spaces & Societies Research Group takes a critical perspective on these cross-sectional themes and scrutinises how social practices and power relations shape them.

We are an interdisciplinary and multilocal research team based at the Department of Geography Heidelberg University and at the Department of Geography of the University of Innsbruck.

© photo Eva Fessler

Geography University Innsbruck
Geography University Innsbruck

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Our Team

This picture shows the members of the research group on the top of the a building of the University of Innsbruck. The background shows a mountain range. The team members on the picture from left to right, back row, are: Jan Misera, Elisabeth Gruber, Belinda Mahlknecht, Anna Gruber, Jacqueline Kowalski, Huiqiao Yuan, Johannes Melchert. In the front row from left to right are: Christoph, Schimmel, Tabea Bork-Hüffer and Andrea Markl.

Our Focus

This figure shows the main research topics, concepts, methods and regional foci of the research group Transient Spaces and Societies. The research group works on the intersection of three interconnected processes: urbanization, mobilities and digitization. The individual members of the work group thereby apply a several key concepts that are of relevance to their individual and the groups’ foci. Among these concepts are: transient urbanisms, place making, worlding, policy mobilities, translocalities, diversity and difference, inclusion and exclusion, inequalities, youth and intergenerationality, mediated nature experiences and extended realities. The group applies qualitative and quantitative methods often as part of multi- or mixed methods designs in its research. In the field of mobile methods, mobile media methods, biosensing and eye-tracking, the group experiments with these methods in new fields of application and also pursues method innovation through the development of new methods. Regional foci are Central Europe, especially Austria, Germany and Spain, Southeast Asia and East Asia, here especially China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Bangladesh.
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Our Location


Map shows the location of our office. You can find us at: Institut für Geographie, Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52f

© 2025
Research Group Transient Spaces &  Societies

 Department of Geography   Heidelberg University             Berliner Str. 48, 69120 Heidelberg

 Department of Geography   University of Innsbruck
 Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck



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