
Please find a list of all our publications below

Featured Publications

Mobile media methods in gender and (im)mobilities research

Markl, A. & Bork-Hüffer, T.

Handbook Of Gender And Mobilities,

Published: Dec. 2024

Biosensing and biosensors—Terminologies, technologies, theories and ethics.

Misera, J., Melchert, J. & Bork-Hüffer, T.

Geography Compass,
Published: 2024

Uneven geographies of COVID-19: Reviewing geographical research agendas and concepts from a syndemics perspective.

Butsch, C., Everts, J. &
Bork-Hüffer, T.

Geography Compass,

Published: 2024

Augmented futures? Scenarios and implications of augmented reality use in public spaces

Gudowsky, N., Kowalski, J. & Bork-Hüffer, T.

Published: Aug. 2023

‘On the mountain, the world is still all right’: Nature connections in context and the Covid journey of young adults in Austria

Bork-Hüffer, T., Wächter, L.
& Hitchings, R.
People and Nature,
First published: Aug. 2024

‘She Felt Incredibly Ashamed’: Gendered (Cyber-)Bullying and the Hypersexualized Female Body.

Bork-Hüffer, T. & Mahlknecht, B.
Gender, Place & Culture,
Published: 2022

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Author Year Title Journal /
Type of ArticleTopic Link
Hemati, G., Irandoost, K. & Alizadeh, H.2025Exploring the research evolution and global perspectives of water-sensitive cities: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis using CiteSpace and VOSviewer.Environ Dev SustainarticleWater-sensitive citiesLink
Markl, A. & Bork-Hüffer, T.2024 Mobile media methods in gender and (im)mobilities researchHandbook Of Gender And MobilitiesbookMobilities
Misera, J., Melchert, J. & Bork-Hüffer, T.2024 Biosensing and biosensors—Terminologies, technologies, theories and ethicsGeography Compass.reviewed
Gruber, E., Obermayr, C., & Obkircher, S.2024 Meeting housing demands, needs or desires? Conceptual considerations for designing housing policies
Culture, Practice & Europeanizationpeer-reviewed
Alizadeh, H., Doostvandi, M., & Zandsalimi, M.2024Redefining sustainable urban development: A critical analysis in the wake of COVID-19Sustainable DevelopmentreviewedSustainable Urban DevelopmetLink
Gruber, E., Ebenstreit, D., Fischer, M., Grösswang, F., Heintel, M., & Payer, H.2024Collaborative governance across sectors: regional development and tourism as complementary policy fields?Europa XXIpeer-reviewedRegional Governance, Regional Development
Ebenstreit, D., Fischer, M., Grösswang, F., Gruber, E., Heintel, M., Payer, H. & Stolba, P.2024Etablierung von Regionalen Informations- und Monitoringsystemen zur Stärkung der Kooperation zwischen Tourismus und RegionalentwicklungNeue Arbeitswelten und nachhaltiges Destinationsmanagement im alpinen Tourismus. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus 2023/2024. St. Galler Schriften für Tourismus und VerkehrbookRegional Development, TourismLink
Butsch, C., Everts, J. & Bork-Hüffer, T.2024 Uneven geographies of COVID-19: Reviewing geographical research agendas and concepts from a syndemics perspectiveGeography Compasspeer-reviewedPandemic
Alizadeh, H., Kohlbacher, J., Mehan, A., & Yousefi, Z.2024Kurdish women’s interactions in European urban public space and the extent of their social integrationEuropean Planning StudiesarticleUrabn Public SpaceLink
Wu, G., Gruber, E. & Bernard, A.2024Lifetime internal migration trajectories and social networks: Do repeat migrants fare worst?Social Networkspeer-reviewedImmobilityLink
Gruber, E.2024Sociospatial Implications of Rural Coworking. Evidence from AustriaExtended Views. gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die
Rural CoworkingLink
Hemati, G., Irandoost, K. & Alizadeh, H.2024Assessing the Condition of Tajrish Neighborhood Based on Water-Sensitive City IndicatorsUrban Planning KnowledgearticleWater-sensitive cityLink
Bork-Hüffer, T., Wächter, L. & R. Hitchings2024“On the mountain, the world is still all right”: nature connections in context and the Covid journey of young adults in AustriaPeople and Natureresearch article
Gruber, E. & Heintel, M.2024Kooperative Formen der Regionalentwicklung und StandortpolitikGeographie ländlicher Räume, Brill SchöninghbookRegional developmentLink
Alizadeh, H., & Kohlbacher, J.2024Visibility and interactions of immigrant Kurdish women in urban public spaces: a comparison of Vienna and Cologne(In)visibility of Flight (Vol. 3). Bielefeld: Forced Migration Series.bookUrban Public Spaces, MigrationLink
Schimmel, C.2023Exploring Networks of Scholar-Led Publishing Initiatives with a Social Network Analysis of the Radical Open Access CollectiveJournal of Scholarly Publishingpeer-reviewedOpen AccessLink
Qhorbani, R., Alizadeh, H., & Karami, S.2023Survey the factors affecting the future situation of housing in the Tabriz metropolisGeographical Planning of Spaceresearch paperHousingLink
Bork-Hüffer, T., Mahlknecht, B., Markl, A. & K. Kaufmann2023 Digital geographies of mundane violence: Outline of an emerging research field and the example of (cyber-)bullying in young people’s livesErdkundearticle
Gudowsky, N., Kowalski, J. & T. Bork-Hüffer2023 Augmented futures? Scenarios and implications of augmented reality use in public spacesFuturesjournal article
Abdi, Z., Alizadeh, H., Mohammadi, S., & Sabouri, S.2023Analysis of urban form typology using urban heat island indicators: Case study of Ferdous neighborhood of TabrizFrontiers in Ecology and Evolutionresearch articleUrban Heat IslandLink
Fischer, M., Grösswang, F., Gruber, E., Heintel, M., Payer, H., Stolba, P.2023Regionale Governance als Schlüssel für kooperative Lebensraumentwicklung am Beispiel des TourismusErich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KGbookRegional GovernanceLink
Gruber, E; Fischer, M; Grösswang, G; Heintel, M; Payer, H; Stolba, P; Ebenstreit, D2023RHE-BUND: Die Gestaltungs- und Steuerungsrolle des Bundes für die regionale Handlungsebene (Regional Governance) in Österreich – Erfahrungen, Bedarfspotentiale und mögliche Angebote am Beispiel des TourismusEndbericht im Auftrag des Bumdesministeriums für Landwirtschaft, Regionen und Wasserwirtschaft (DaFNE)otherRegional GovernanceLink
Gruber, E.2023Implikationen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf die räumliche Mobilität junger ErwachsenerÖAW ISR-BULLETINotherPandemic
Everts, J., Bork-Hüffer, T. & Butsch, C.2022The Uneven Geographies of the COVID-19 PandemicErdkundeotherInequalitiesLink
Bork-Hüffer, T. & Strüver, A.2022 Digitale Geographien – Perspektiven auf den Gesellschaft-Technologie-Umwelt-Nexus (Digital Geographies – Reflections on the Society-Technology-Environment-Nexus)Steiner Basistexte Digitale Geographien – Einführungen in sozio-materiell-technologische Raumproduktionen.bookDigitisationLink
Franz, Y. & Gruber, E.2022The Changing Role of Student Housing as Social InfrastructureUrban Planningpeer-reviewedpolicy-induced financialisationLink
Habibi, K., Pira, M., Rahimi, A., Hemmati, G., & Alizadeh, H.2022Ecological footprint analysis of tourism management in rural areasJournal of Environmental Planning and Managementresearch articleEcological Footprint, Tourism ManagementLink
Alizadeh, H., Bork-Hüffer, T., Kohlbacher, J. & Mohammed-Amin, R. K. & Naimi, K.2022The contribution of urban public space to the social interactions and empowerment of womenJournal of Urban Affairsjournal articlePublic SpaceLink
Alizadeh, H., Kohlbacher, J. & Qadir Mohammed, S.2022The Status of Women in Kurdish Society and the Extent of Their Interactions in Public RealmSAGE Openresearch articleKurdish WomenLink
Irandoost, K., Alizadeh, H., Yousefi, Z., & Shahmoradi, B.2022Spatial analysis of population density and its effects during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sanandaj, IranJournal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineeringresearch articlePopulation DensitiyLink
Bork-Hüffer, T.2022Digital Media, Friendships and Migrants’ Entangled and Non-linear Inclusion and Exclusion.Urban Studiesjournal article
Gruber, E.2022How did the COVID-19 pandemic influence im/mobility decisions of students and young academics?Blog Unpacking Migrationblog
Pandemic, im/mobility
Gruber, E.2022Rural Coworking Spaces: Wie kollaborative Arbeitsorte in ländlichen Räumen entstehenutbbookCoworking, Rural AreasLink
Mahlknecht, B. & T. Bork-Hüffer2022‘She Felt Incredibly Ashamed’: Gendered (Cyber-)Bullying and the Hypersexualized Female BodyGender, Place & Culturejournal article
Mahlknecht, B., Kempert, R. & T. Bork-Hüffer2022 Graduating During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Digital Media Practices and Learning Spaces of Pupils Taking their School-Leaving ExamsSustainabilityjournal article
Kulcar, V., Bork-Hüffer, T., & A.-M. Schneider2022Getting through the crisis together: Do friendships contribute to university students’ resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic?Frontiers in Psychologyreserach article
Alizadeh, H., Bork-Hüffer, T., Kohlbacher, J., Mohammed-Amin, R.K. & K. Niami2022The contribution of urban public space to the social interactions and empowerment of womenJournal of Urban Affairspeer-reviewedUrbanisationLink
Bork-Hüffer, T.2021 Intra-Urban and Inter-Urban Quality of Life or Liveability ApproachesEncyclopaedia of Quality of Life and Well-being Research (Springer) Dordrecht, 2nd edition, (revised 2014 version)book
Bork-Hüffer, T., Mahlknecht, B., & A. Markl2021 Kollektivität in und durch cON/FFlating spaces: 8 Thesen zu Verschränkungen, multiplen Historizitäten und Intra-Aktionen in sozio-materiell-technologischen (Alltags-)Räumen

Zeitschrift für Kultur- und Kollektivwissenschaften article
Gruber, E.2021Immobility and Staying: New concepts of Population Geography? A literature reviewGeographica Helveticapeer-reviewdImmobilityLink
Gruber, E. & Nemeth, A.2021Mobility in the Danube Region: the role of transnational cooperation in addressing challenges of migrationThe EU’s Cohesion Policy and future spatial governance: territorial, social and economic challenges.bookmobility, transnational cooperationLink
Alizadeh, H., Kohlbacher, J., Mohammed-Amin, R. K. & Latif Raouf, T.2021Gender Inequalities and the Effects of Feminine Artworks on Public Spaces: A DialogueSocial inclusion JournalarticleFacebook reactions, feminist street art, gender inequalities dialogueLink
Alizadeh, H., & Habibi, K.2021Urban Park Traditions in Iran and TehranWhy Cities Need Large Parks – Large Parks in Large Cities, RoutledgebookUrban ParksLink
Vaisi, S., Alizadeh, H., Lotfi, W., & Mohammadi, S.2021Developing the Ecological Footprint Assessment for a University Campus, the Component-Based MethodSustainabilityarticleSustainable DevelopmentLink
Ghorbani, R., Alizadeh, H., Karami, S.2021An Analysis of the Reasons for the Decline of the Position of Tabriz Metropolis in the Urban System of Iran and the Prediction of its Population and Position by 2031Town and Country Planningresearch paperUrban SystemLink
Kaufmann, K. & T. Bork-Hüffer2021Mobile Methoden UTB book chapterMobilities
Bork-Hüffer, T., Füller, H. & T. Straube 2021Digitale Geographien: Welt – Wissen – Werkzeuge (Digital Geographies: World – Knowledge – Tools) UTB bookDigitisationLink
Schimmel, C.2021Soziale NetzwerkanalyseUTBbookSocial Network AnalsysisLink
Gruber, E.2021Can Transnational Cooperation Support Municipalities to Address Challenges of Youth Migration?Urban Planningpeer-reviewedTransnational CooperationLink
Kulcar, V., Straganz, C., Kreh, A., Siller, H., File, N., Canazei, M., Bork-Hüffer, T. & B. Juen2021University students’ adherence and vaccination attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Focusing on costs and benefitsApplied Psychology: Health and Well-beingarticle
Bork-Hüffer, T., Kulcar, V., Brielmair, F., Markl, A., Immer, A., Juen, B., Walter, M.H. & K. Kaufmann2021University Students’ Perception, Evaluation and Spaces of Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Austria: What Can We Learn for Post-Pandemic Educational Futures?Sustainabilityarticle
Kaufmann, K., Bork-Hüffer, T., Gudowsky-Blatakes, N., Rauhala, M., & Rutzinger, M.2021Ethical challenges of researching emergent socio-material-technological phenomena: Insights from an interdisciplinary mixed methods project using mobile eye-trackingJournal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society.article
Schimmel, C.2021Reinterpreting knowledge commons and sociospatial strategies of community-led publishing in times of transitionISAC 2021 Knowledge Commons, ZenodootherOpen Source Plattforms, Open Access PublishingLink
Kaufmann, K., Peil, C., & Bork-Hüffer, T.2021Producing in situ Data from a Distance with Mobile Instant Messaging Interviews (MIMIs) – Examples from the COVID-19 PandemicInternational Journal of Qualitative MethodsarticleMethodsLink
Kollert, A., Rutzinger, M., Bremer, M., Kaufmann, K. & T. Bork-Hüffer2021Mapping of 3D Eye-tracking in Urban Outdoor EnvironmentsISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciencesarticle
Knevels, R., Brenning, A., Gingrich, S., Gruber, E., Lechner, T., Leopold, P., Petschko, H. & Plutzar, C.2021Kulturlandschaft im Wandel: Ein indikatorenbasierter Rückblick bis in das 19. Jahrhundert. Fallstudie anhand der Gemeinden Waidhofen/Ybbs und PaldauMitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaftpeer-reviewedCultural Landscape Change
Kraas, F. & Bork-Hüffer, T.2021Megaprojekte und die Neue Konnektivität in AsienGeographische RundschauotherLink
Habibi, K., H. Alizadeh and K. Irandoost2021Az Sena ta Sanandaj (From Sena to Sanandaj: an investigation of a Kurdish city’s strategic development) (in Persian)University of Kurdistan Press, IranbookUrban Development
Alizadeh, H2021Building a traditional Kurdish Citypalgrave pivotbookUrban AreasLink
Bork-Hüffer, T. & A. Strüver 2021Steiner Basistexte Digitale Geographien – Einführungen in sozio-materiell-technologische Raumproduktionen (Steiner Basistexte Digital Geographies – Introductions to socio-material-technological productions of space) Steiner-Verlag bookDigitisationLink
Peth, S. A.2021Hinter den Kulissen transnationaler Arbeitsmigration: Die digitale Fotoausstellung "Work Men on the Move"Geographische RundschauotherMobilitiesLink
Kaufmann, K., Straganz, C. & T. Bork-Hüffer 2020City-life No More? Young Adults’ Disrupted Urban Experiences and Urban Planning peer-reviewedDigitisation
Schorn, M., Franz, Y., Gruber, E., Humer, A.2020The COVID-19 pandemic: impetus for place- and people-based infrastructure planningTown Planning Reviewpeer-reviewedInfrastructure PlanningLink
Bork-Hüffer, T., Mahlknecht, B. & K. Kaufmann2020(Cyber)Bullying in schools – when bullying stretches across cON/FFlating spacesChildren's Geographiespeer-reviewedDigitisationLink
Gruber, E.2020Wie funktioniert nachhaltige Raumentwicklung in der Peripherie? Eine Exkursionsgruppe auf Spurensuche im AlpenraumGeographische Rundschaupeer-reviewed
spatial developmentLink
Peth, S. A. & P. Sakdapolrak2020Resilient family meshwork. Thai–German migrations, translocal ties, and their impact on social resilienceGeoforumpeer-reviewedMobilitiesLink
Bork-Hüffer, T. & S. A. Peth2020Arrival or Transient Spaces? Differentiated Politics of Mobilities,Socio-Technological Orderings and Migrants’ Socio-Spatial EmbeddednessUrban Planningpeer-reviewedMobilitiesDownload
Alizadeh, H., Karami, S., Alibakhshi, A.2020Investigating Inequality in Spatial Distribution of Economic, Social, Physical and Service Indicators In the regions of TabrizQuarterly Journals of Urban and Regional Development Planningresearch paperPromethee Technique, Spatial DistributionLink
Peth, S. A. 2020Migration and translocal resilience = Migration und translokale Resilienz : A multi-sited analysis in/between Thailand, Singapore and Germany = Eine multilokale Analyse zwischen Thailand, Singapur und Deutschland. Dissertationsschrift Universität BonnbookMobilities Download
Kaufmann, K.2020Mobile Methods: Doing migration research with the help of smartphonesThe SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration contribution in volumeMobilitiesLink
Kaufmann, K. & C. Peil 2020The Mobile Instant Messaging Interview (MIMI): Using WhatsApp to enhance self-reporting and explore media usage in-situMobile Media & Communication peer-reviewedMobilitiesLink
Bork-Hüffer, T.2019Binnenwanderungen – ein weltweiter ÜberblickGeographische RundschaureviewedMobilitiesLink
Alizadeh, H. and K. Ashori2019The city profile: Kurdish cities (in Persian)University of Kurdistan PressbookCity Profile
Gruber, E. & Schorn, M.2019Outmigrating youth: A threat to European peripheries?ÖGfE Policy BriefotherMigrationLink
Gruber, E.2019What Can the Housing Market Teach Us? University Fieldtrips Identify Current Transitions in Vienna’s Urban Development and Housing Market Policies
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaftother
Sterly, H, Etzold, B. & S. A. Peth2019 Bangladesch – Beweggründe für Binnenmigration und translokale LebensrealitätenGeographische RundschaureviewedMobilitiesLink
Gruber E., Rauhut, D., Humer, A.2019Territorial cohesion under pressure? Welfare policy and planning responses in Austrian and Swedish PeripheriesPapers in Regional Sciencespeer-reviewedEU regional policy, planning cultures
Peth, S. A. 2019Vom Mensch zum Inputfaktor – Einblicke in das Leben der Arbeitsmigranten in SingapurSüdostasienotherMobilitiesLink
Bork-Hüffer, T.2019Die Südwestgrenze der USA. Zu den Folgen von Grenzbefestigungen und -sicherungenGeographische RundschaureviewedMobilitiesLink
Kaufmann, K.2019Mobile Methods: Doing migration research with the help of smartphonesSAGE Handbook of Media and Migrationpeer-reviewedDigitisationLink
Bork-Hüffer, T. 2019The Pearl River DeltaBornträgercontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Bork-Hüffer, T., Jahn, H.J., Khan, M.M.H.2019Access to Health CareBornträgercontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Bork-Hüffer, T.2019Migrants in the (Mega)City – Theories and Scales of Migrants’ Everyday LifeBornträgercontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Bork-Hüffer, T.2019Migrant’s Space-making Strategies: Shaping Urban Space in Everyday LifeBornträgercontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Bork-Hüffer, T. & Hackenbroch, K.2019Governance of Service Provision: Agents and Arenas of Health Care and Infrastructure ProvisionBornträgercontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Mahlknecht, B. & T. Bork-Hüffer 2019Cybermobbing: Eine Untersuchung von individuellen Erfahrungen und Ängsten von Innsbrucker Schüler*innen?Innsbrucker Jahresbericht otherDigitisationn/a
Peth. S. A. & P. Sakdapolrak2019When the origin becomes the destination: Lost remittances and social resilience of return labour migrants in ThailandAreapeer-reviewedMobilitiesLink
Peth, S. A., Sterly, H. & P. Sakdapolrak2018Between the village and the global city: the production and decay of translocal spaces of Thai migrant workers in SingaporeMobilitiespeer-reviewed MobilitiesLink
Schorn, M. & Gruber, E.2018Jugend in Bewegung: Motive, Auswirkungen und potenzielle Steuerungsmöglichkeiten von Jugendmigration aus Perspektive der geographischen MigrationsforschungIn Bewegung, Waxman, WienotherMigrationLink
Gruber, E.2018Urban Planning: A Vienna Case StudyLedizioni LediPublishingbookUrban PlanningLink
Gruber, E.2018Die Freiheit zu gehen, wohin ich will. Kärnten und die Abwanderungsproblematik.Europäische ToleranzgesprächebookMigrationLink
Fassmann, H., Gruber, E. & Nemeth, A.2018Conceptual framework for the study of youth migration in the Danube regionYOUMIG Working PapersotherMigrationLink
Gruber, E. & Heintel, M.2018Das Waldviertel - die ewige Abwanderungsregion? Perspektiven aus der Sicht der RegionalentwicklungDas WaldviertelarticleMigrationLink
TransRe2018Migration for Adaptation. A Guidebook for Integrating Migration and Translocality into Community-Based AdaptaitonTransRe Project, International Organization for Migration (IOM)otherMobilitiesDownload
Eder, J., Gruber E., Görgl P., Hemetsberger M.2018How Vienna Grows: Monitoring of Current Trends of Population and Settlement Dynamics in the Vienna Urban RegionRaumforschung und Raumordnungpeer-reviewedUrabn Region, Spatial PlanningLink
Franz, Y., Gruber E.2018Wohnen „für alle“ in Zeiten der Wohnungsmarktkrise? Der soziale Wohnungsbau in Wien zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit.Zeitschrift für angewandte Geographiepeer-reviewedHousingLink
Kraas, F., Bork-Hüffer, T. & M. Kroll 2018Stadtmodelle, neue Hauptstädte und Städte der Zukunft in AsienGeographische RundschaureviewedUrbanisationLink
Kaufmann, K.2018The smartphone as a snapshot of its use: Mobile media elicitation in qualitative interviews Mobile Media & Communication
Kaufmann, K.2018Mobil, vernetzt, geräteübergreifend: Die Komplexität alltäglicher Smartphone-Nutzung als methodische HerausforderungDigital Communication Researchpeer-reviewedDigitisationLink
Kaufmann, K.2018Navigating a new life: Syrian refugees and their smartphones in ViennaInformation, Communication & Societypeer-reviewedDigitisation,
Kaufmann, K.2018Mit Kriegsflüchtlingen über ihre Smartphone-Nutzung auf der Flucht sprechen: Eine forschungsethische (Selbst)-ReflexionNomospeer-reviewedDigitisationLink
Kaufmann, K.2018The smartphone as a snapshot of its use: Mobile media elicitation in qualitative interviewsMobile Media & Communicationpeer-reviewedDigitisationLink
Eberwein, T., Fengler, S., Kaufmann, K., Brinkmann, J., & Karmasin, M.2018Summary: Measuring media accountability in Europe – and beyondRoutledgebook chapterDigitisationLink
Bork-Hüffer, T. & Yeoh, B. 2017The geographies of difference in conflating digital and offline spaces of encounter: Migrant professionals’ throwntogetherness in SingaporeGeoforumpeer-reviewed Digitisation, Mobilities Link
Bork-Hüffer, T.2017Mobility Intentions of Privileged and Middling Migrant Professionals in Singapore: Cross-Cultural Comparison and Effects of the “Singaporeans First” StrategyAsienpeer-reviewed Mobilities Download
Bork-Hüffer, T.2017"Beyond Smart City": Singapurs "Smart Nation" Strategie und der ewige Wettbewerb um ModellfunktionGeographische RundschaureviewedUrbanisationLink
Gruber, E.2017Im Ruhestand aus Land? Ruhestandsmigration und deren Bedeutung für ländliche Räume in ÖsterreichRural Areas: Issues of local and regional development, Lit Verlagbook
Rath, O., Gruber, E., Nemeth, A. & Pschaid, P.2017Transnational Youth Migration in Graz: processes,effects and policy challenges. Local status quo analysis developed within the project YOUMIG.Interreg, YOUMIGotherMigrationLink
Apostolopoulos, N., Schimmel, C., Egilmez, I.2017Open Encyclopedia System. Open Source Software for Open Access EncyclopediasWerner Hülsbusch VerlagreviewedDigitisation,
Open Access
Fasmann, H., Görgl, P., Gruber, E., Eder, J.2017Monitoring der Siedlungsentwicklung in der StadtregionStrategien zur räumlichen Entwicklung der Ostregion. Endbericht im Auftrag Planungsgemeinschaft Ost.otherUrban Areas, DevelopmentLink
Gruber, E. Kobra. M., Kordel, S.2017Lifestyle Migration als Potenzial für ländlich-periphere Gebiete Europas?
Europa Regionalpeer-reviewedMigration
Rural Areas
Bork-Hüffer, T.2016Mediated Sense of Place: Effects of Mediation and Mobility on the Place Perception of German Professionals in SingaporeNew Media and Society peer-reviewed Mobilities Link
Bork-Hüffer, T., Etzold, B., Gransow, B., Tomba, L., Sterly, H., Suda, K., Kraas, F. & R. Flock2016Agency and the Making of Transient Urban Spaces: Examples of Migrants in the City in the Pearl River Delta, China and Dhaka, BangladeshPopulation, Space and Placepeer-reviewed Urbanisation, MobilitiesLink
Bork-Hüffer, T./ Rafflenbeul, B./ Kraas, F. & Z. Li2016Mobility and the Transiency of Social Spaces: African Merchant Entrepreneurs in ChinaPopulation, Space and Placepeer-reviewed MobilitiesLink
Gruber, E. & Rauhut, D.2016Spatial Justice and the Welfare State: SGI Provision in Peripheral Austria and Sweden.Regional Studies Association’s European Conferenceconference paperWelfare, Spatial JusticeDownload
Kakas, A., Gruber, E.2016Acta Geographica Universitatis Comaeniaepeer-reviewedMigrationLink
Sakdapolrak, P., Naruchaikosol, S., Ober, K., Peth, S. A., Porst, L., Rockenbauch, T., Tolo, V.2016Migration in a changing climate. Towards a translocal social resilience approachDIE ERDEpeer-reviewedMobilities
Apostolopoulos, N., Egilmez I., Schimmel, C.2016Open Encyclopedia System - Open Source-Plattform für Open Access Online-EnzyklopädienTU BerlinreviewedDigitisation,
Open Access
Kaufmann, K.2016Wie nutzen Flüchtlinge ihre Smartphones auf der Reise nach Europa? Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interview-Studie mit syrischen Schutzsuchenden in ÖsterreichSws-Rundschaupeer-reviewedDigitisation,
Lim, S.S. Bork-Hüffer, T. & B. Yeoh2016Editorial: Mobility, Migration and New Media: Manoeuvring Through Physical, Digital and Liminal SpacesSage editorDigitisation,
Bork-Hüffer, T.2016Editorial: Migrants' Agency and the Making of Transient Urban SpacesPopulation, Space and PlaceeditorMobilitiesLink
Bork-Hüffer, T. 2015Healthcare-Seeking Practices of African and Rural-to-Urban Migrants in GuangzhouJournal of Current Chinese Affairspeer-reviewedMobilitiesLink
Gruber, E., Fassmann, H., Humer, A.2015Demographic change changing SGI demands: The example of AustriaServices of General Interest and Territorial Cohesion. European Perspectives and National
Demographic ChangeLink
Görgl P., Gruber, E.2015Die kooperative Stadt der Zukunft?Die Stadt der Zukunft. Aktuelle Trend und zukünftige HerausforderungenbookCooperative CitiesLink
Gruber, K., Gruber, E.2015Aktives Altern in der Region Schneebergland. Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels in ländlichen RegionenSWS-Rundschaupeer-reviewedAgeingLink
Bork-Hüffer, T. & F. Kraas2015Health Care Disparities in Megaurban China: The Ambivalent Role of Unregistered PractitionersTijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografiepeer-reviewedUrbanisationLink
Kaufmann, K.2015Die Rolle des Smartphones im Einkaufsalltag: Erkenntnisse aus einer qualitativen NutzerstudieKommunikation @ Gesellschaftpeer-reviewedDigitisationLink
Peth, S. A.2015Migrationspfade und Arbeitsräume in Bangladesch – Translokale Lebenssicherung in einer sich wandelnden (Um)WeltTransRe, University of Bonnworking paper MobilitiesLink
Peth, S. A. & S. Birtel 2015Translocal livelihoods and labor migration in Bangladesh – migration decisions in the context of multiple insecurities and a changing environmentAHDPHbook chapterMobilitiesLink
Greiner, C., Peth, S. A. & P. Sakdapolrak2015 Deciphering migration in the age of climate change – Towards an understanding of translocal relations in social-ecological systemsTransRe, University of Bonnworking paper MobilitiesLink
Bork-Hüffer, T. & Y. Yuan-Ihle 2014The Management of Foreigners in China: Changes to the Migration Law and Regulations During the Late Era Hu/Wen and Early Era Xi/Li and Their Potential EffectsInternational Journal of China Studiespeer-reviewedMobilitiesLink
Kaufmann, K., & Winter, C.2014Ordinary people: Gewöhnliche Leute als Unternehmer ihrer PopkulturTranscriptbook chapterCommunication Link
Gruber, K., Derits, I., Gruber, E., Deibl, C.2014Mehr Lebensqualität im Alter. Impulse für das Schneebergland. Wien/Katzelsdorf.Projektendbericht Active Ageingworking paperLife quality, AgeingLink
Hornung, M. & S. A. Peth 2014Alltag im Hier und Dort – Heiratsmigration und translokale Verflechtungen zwischen Thailand und DeutschlandSüdostasienotherMobilitiesLink
Steinbrink, M & S. A. Peth2014Hier, dort und dazwischen – Translokale Livelihoods in Südafrika Geographische Rundschau reviewedMobilitiesLink
Bork-Hüffer, T., Rafflenbeul, B., Kraas, F. & Z. Li 2014Interlinkages of Global Change, National Development Goals, Urbanization and International Migration in China. The Example of African Migrants in Guangzhou and FoshanSpringercontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Gruber, E., A. Humer, H. Fassmann2013SeGI Case Study Report Austria: ESPON SeGI Annex 6a to the Scientific ReportAnnex 6a to Scientific Final Report ESPON Applied Research Project 2013/1/16.otherLink
Heintel, M., Gruber, E., Bauer, R.2013Demographie-Check als Planungsgrundlage für Regionalentwicklung: LEADER-Region Waldviertel Süd - Nibelungengau.Das Waldviertel. Zeitschrift für Heimat- und Regionalkunde des Waldviertels und der Wachau.otherRegional DevelopmentLink
Bauer, R., Fassmann H., Gruber, E., Humer, A.2012Die Projekte DEMIFER und SeGI. Demografische Entwicklungen und sozialpolitische HerausforderungenRaumPlanung, Fachzeitschrift für räumliche Planung und Forschungpeer-reviewedDemographic DevelopmentsLink
Bork-Hüffer, T.2012Migrants’ Health Seeking Actions in Guangzhou, China. Individual Action, Structure and Agency: Linkages and ChangeFranz Steiner VerlagmonographMobilities,
Kraas, F. & T. Bork 2012Urbanisierung und internationale MigrationNomoseditorMobilities,
Bork-Hüffer, T. 2012Transformation und Stadtentwicklung in China: alte und neue Risiken für die GesundheitPassauer Kontaktstudium Geographiecontribution in volumeUrbanisationLink
Alizadeh, H.2012The concept of privacy and space in Kurdish citiesUrban Theory Beyond the WestbookUrban SpaceLink
Bork, T., Kraas, F.2012Einleitung: Migrantenökonomien und Migrationspolitik in StädtenNomoscontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Bork, T., Rafflenbeul, B., Kraas, F. & Z. Li2012Chinas Migrations- und Stadtpolitik: Auswirkungen für afrikanische Migranten in Guangzhou und FoshanNomoscontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Kraas, F. & T. Bork2012Urbanisierung und internationale Migration: Versuch einer StandortbestimmungNomoscontribution in volumeUrbanisation,
Bork, T., Kraas, F., Xue, D. & Z. Li 2011Challenges for Urban Environmental Health in China’s Villages-in-the-cityGeographische Zeitschriftpeer-reviewedUrbanisationLink
Bork, T., Kraas, F. & Y. Yuan2011Governance Challenges in China’s Urban Health Care System – The Role of StakeholdersErdkunde peer-reviewedUrbanisationLink
Tröger, S. Peth, S. A., et al.2011Failing seasons, ailing societies - Climate change and the meaning of adaptation in EthiopiaHeinrich Böll FoundationotherMobilitiesLink
Bork, T., Gransow, B., Kraas, F. & Y. Yuan2011Marketization and Informalization of Health Care Services in Mega-urban ChinaSpringercontribution in volumeUrbanisationLink
Bork, T., Kraas, F. & Y. Yuan2010Migrant’s Health, Health Facilities and Services in Villages-in-the-city in Guangzhou, ChinaBerliner Chinahefte peer-reviewedMobilitiesLink
Butsch, C., Kroll, M. & T. Bork2010The Megaurban Health Challenge – Examples from India and ChinaGeographische RundschaureviewedUrbanisationLink
Kraas, F. & T. Bork2010Der Mensch im Erdsystem: Herausforderungen für die ZukunftMarum, Universität Bremen contribution in volumeGeographyLink
Bork, T., Butsch, C., Kraas, F. & M. Kroll2009Megastädte: Neue Risiken für die GesundheitDeutsches Ärzteblatt reviewedUrbanisationLink
Bork, T. &. K.-H. Erdmann2005Grenzüberschreitende Naturschutzareale im südlichen Afrika als Instrument der Konfliktbewältigung und Friedenskonsolidierung Landwirtschaftsverlag contribution in volumeMobilitiesLink

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 Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck



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