/Transient Spaces Blog_

A research BLOG on Digitisation, Mobilities and Urbanisation from an interdisciplinary perspective








a research blog on migration, urbanisation and digitisation

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Posteraustellung ENABLING Cities


Im Rahmen der Woche der Nachhaltigkeit an der Universität Innsbruck konnten erneut die Ergebnisse der Vertiefungsrichtung “ENABLING Cities” präsentiert werden. Die Ergebnisse des Projekts sowie die vielfältigen Realtitäten des Alltags von Menschen mit Behinderungen wurden durch Poster und  interaktive Elemente wie einer VR-Brille und einer Online-Karte dargestellt.

Jan Malte Golz, Jacqueline Kowalski

Universität Innsbruck

research blog with DOI

Do you also want to write a blog post?

We always welcome contributions to our blog that are related to our main topics of digitisation, human mobilities, and urbanisation. Just send us your blog post idea and we will come back to you.

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Das behindert Menschen


Es gibt viele verschiedene Hindernisse und für jeden Menschen kann etwas anderes ein Hindernis sein. Mit diesem Sticker können Menschen mit Behinderungen auf unterschiedliche Hindernisse aufmerksam machen. Zusätzlich werden anhand der Stickeraktion ein paar Tipps gezeigt. Dinge, die jeder im Alltag beachten kann, um das Leben von Allen einfacher zu machen.

Katharina Haumann, Lea Held, Fiona Konrad, Marie Wirth

Universität Innsbruck

Bild zeigt Frau, die eine Virtual Reality Brille trägt.


Vielfalt von Behinderung und städtischer Inklusion

Virtual Reality Experience

Eine Behinderung kann sich unterschiedlich auf den Lebensalltag auswirken. Eine inklusive Stadt bedeutet für jeden etwas anderes, da Menschen mit Behinderungen unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse und Herausforderungen haben. Drei VR-Videos zeigen die Alltagssituationen von Personen mit Behinderungen, um zu verdeutlichen, dass bei der Stadtgestaltung die Bedürfnisse aller berücksichtigt werden müssen.

Matthias Günzel, Peter Stampfl, Anna Zerhoch

Universität Innsbruck

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Darstellung “points of interests” im Leben mit Behinderungen

Online Karte

In Innsbruck und Umgebung gibt es viele Orte mit sichtbaren und unsichtbaren Hindernissen, die die Fortbewegung und Freizeitgestaltung erschweren. Teilnehmende der Forschung ENABLING Cities haben solche Orte sowie Wohlfühlorte identifiziert. Diese Orte sind auf folgender Karte dargestellt.

Simon Damerow, Stefan Fuchs, Carlotta Ziegler

Universität Innsbruck


Studieren mit Behinderungen –
Uni for all

Podcastserie: Hörsaal ohne Barrieren

Welche Barrieren (sozial und baulich) erleben Menschen mit Behinderungen an der Universität Innsbruck und welche Maßnahmen können ergriffen werden, um die Barrierefreiheit bzw. Inklusion zu verbessern und Studierenden mit Behinderungen einen gleichberechtigten Zugang zu Bildung zu ermöglichen?

Vesna Coutureau, Thomas Gfrerer, Luisa von Gostomski

Universität Innsbruck


Generative digital worlds of children and young people

Possible forms of care and repair in digital geographies

Drawing on a case study of how children and young people use social media for multiple purposes, Jessica’s talk shows what forms of care and repair are possible in digital geographies. This blog post shares some more details of Jessica’s talk as part of the Transient Spaces Lecture Series.

Jessica McLean

Associate Professor, Macquarie University


The summer of conferences (Part 1)

Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG) in Frankfurt/Main, 19-23 September 2023

This blog post is part of a blog series that deals with our reflections on ‘the summer of conferences’ 2023. The first part of the blog series by Jacqueline Kowalski and Christoph Schimmel reports on contributions that have been made at the DKG 2023 at the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main from our perspective. Furthermore, we will shed some light on our main impressions and important discussions that we found thought-provoking for our further research.

Jacqueline Kowalski

Geographer, University of Innsbruck

Christoph Schimmel

Geographer, University of Innsbruck


Gesunde (digitale) Orte?

Podcastserie: Meine Freizeit und ich im digitalen Raum

Können digitale Räume wirklich gesund sein? Wie verändern digitale Technologien unsere Beziehung zur Natur, unsere Alltagsräume und -praktiken und unser affektiv-emotionales Erleben dieser Räume? Welche Effekte hat das auf unsere Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden – physisch, sozial und mental?

Vertiefungsrichtung Master Geographie

Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck


Urban Challenges, Urban Futures: Digital and/ or sustainable into the urban nature?

Examples from urban parks in Southeast Asia

Can digital urban development and green space development also be ecologically and socially sustainable? What are the different (sustainable) urban planning concepts and how are they implemented? This question and more were asked by a group of 16 students in the Master’s programme Geography – Global Change, Regional Sustainability at the University of Innsbruck.

Vertiefungsrichtung Master Geographie

Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck


Heat, Ecosystems and Equality within the City Landscape

Experiences and Learnings from a Fieldtrip to Vienna and Bratislava

This blog post is about heat and its effects in urban spaces. Heat poses a high risk for vulnerable groups and counts to the deadliest natural hazards urban populations are facing. But it is not only a challenge for the people to deal with heat, also for urban planners to reintegrate nature and ecosystems within the city landscape.

Leonard Horn

EX Regionalgeographie, Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck

Covid, Migration, News


Disconnect to Reconnect? Pathways Towards a Healthier Relationship with Digital Technology 

On 16 November 2021, we were delighted to host Dr. Mariek Vanden Abeele, Associate Professor of Digital Culture at Ghent University, Belgium, and recipient of a 2020 ERC Starting Grant on Digital Wellbeing, for an online lecture as part of our Transient Spaces Online Lecture Series. Here you can listen to her talk.


cON/FFlating spaces: on the intersections and conflation of our ONline and OFFline worlds

In her latest blog post, Tabea Bork-Hüffer claims that we need more research and method(ologie)s that look into the intersections and interdependence of ONline and OFFline spaces. Today, we cannot understand these spheres as detached from each other but as conflating   cON/FFlating  spaces.

Tabea Bork-Hüffer

Geographer, University of Innsbruck


Challenges and obstacles for women* in the course of migration

Even though women* make up almost half of all migrants worldwide, they receive comparatively little attention. Germaine Pötgen recognizes the urgency of the neglection and addresses the challenges female* migrants have to face during and after the migration process.

Covid, Migration, News


Stuck in the Pandemic: Research Through the COVID-Migration News Database

The pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of place-based research as many research methods cannot be carried out due to travel restrictions. This blog post shows one way how to deal with this.

Rachael Diniega

Geographer , University of Vienna

Raffaella Pagogna

Geographer , University of Vienna

Covid, Migration, News


Experimenting with research methods from afar: The “digital (video) mobility map” in times of COVID-19

All over the world, people had to adapt to the situation and find new ways to manage their social life. But also, researchers across disciplines faced far-reaching obstacles of doing research and encountered difficulties to find ways of interacting with their research participants. This Blog explores new ways of doing research in times of travel restrictions.

Jan Niklas Janoth

Geographer , University of Vienna


How to write a great blog post on your research topic? A brief  guide in 9 steps.

Writing a blog post is not rocket science. The only thing you have to do is to sit down, put your computer and mobile phone on silent mode and within 45 minutes you will have a great blog post ready.

Simon A. Peth

Geographer, University of Innsbruck

Yunnan Border


Border Crossers and the Militarization of China’s Border in Times of COVID-19

Political reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic brought global mobility to a halt. The resulting social consequences only become clear over time. The case of China shows how profoundly border regimes have changed.

Franziska Plümmer

Social Scientist, University of Vienna

Covid 19 in India


Fast Urbanism: Between Speed, Time and Urban Futures

In the monsoons of 2010, my research partner and I were driving along the Mumbai-Pune expressway documenting its transformation. What really struck us was that while the journey used to take a good 4-5 hours in the rain, it was now reduced to a mere 2 hours.


Mehr Nachhaltigkeit trotz oder wegen der Digitalisierung? Erkenntnisse des WBGU-Gutachtens "Unsere gemeinsame digitale Zukunft"

by Martina Fromhold-Eisebith

Sustainability through or despite of digitalisation?

This audio blog (in German) features a research talk of Prof. Dr. Martina Fromhold-Eisebith who is a member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), which recently released its flagship report on digitisation and sustainability.

Martina Fromhold-Eisebith

Geographer, University of Aachen (RWTH)


Digital sidewalks: using urban theory to understand technology use among migrants in Bogota

This blog post deals with the question of how access to digital technologies for urban migrants changes over time. With surprising results.

Indian Migrant Worker


Nowhere Citizens? Uncertainty and Anxiety of Return Migrants in India

I saw so many people migrate to the Gulf countries and how they created a new world for themselves and their dependents. For most of them migration was their alleged route to paradise. But then COVID19 happened.

Sumeetha Mokkil Maruthur

Economist, Christ University, Bangalore

Covid 19 in India


Survival infrastructures under COVID-19

I grew up hearing stories of Calcutta during the Bengal Famine of 1943 from my grandmother. The famine was an artificially created disaster under the watchful eyes of the British colonial government who denied Indian farmers access to food.


Sinop: The city that popped-up in the middle of nowhere

In Europe we know above all cities that have developed over centuries. But there are also cities that have been built in a very short period of time. In this blog post Veit Badde gives us an example from Brazil.

Veit Badde

Geographer, University of Innsbruck


Tiroler Schüler*innen von (Cyber-)Mobbing massiv betroffen. Was können Lehrer*innen und Eltern tun?

In diesem Blog beleuchtet Belinda Mahlknecht wie im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung und Social Media (Cyber-)Mobbing ein immer größeres Problem wird und was man dagegen tun kann.

Belinda Mahlknecht

Geographer, University of Innsbruck


What is translocality?

This blog post deals with the term translocality. What is behind this concept, which is gaining importance in geography and migration research? Learn more …

Simon A. Peth

Geographer, University of Innsbruck


Digital technology in the daily lives of urban refugees

This contribution illustrates how digitalisation presents new opportunities for urban refugees in Kuala Lumpur, however, with an interesting twist.

Katrina Munir-Asen

Consultant , Lighthouse Partnership

#Digitisation & COVID19

Young adults weathering the COVID-19 pandemic: They are not a “lost generation”!

In this blog our authors discuss the notions of “lost generation” and “generation corona” and argue why such labels curtail the complex realities of the young generations.

Tabea Bork-Hüffer

Geographer, University of Innsbruck


“I call several times per day”. How new communication tools shape the connectedness of people on the move.

This blog gives an illustrative insight into how the lives of migrant workers in Singapore have been changed through the internet and smartphones.

Simon A. Peth

Geographer, University of Innsbruck


Migrants turn cities at the crossroads into “Transient Urban Spaces”

Transient urban spaces are translocal in the sense that they transcend the physical and administrative boundaries of one specific city, but rather connect different, sometimes distant, physical places through interactions, flows, and imaginaries. In this post Benjamin Etzold writes about the relations between migration, translocality, and urban transformations.


Why does a geographical perspective on Open Access matter?

In this blog post Christoph Schimmel talks about social and geographical inequalities in the current Open Access system. Learn more …

Christoph Schimmel

Geographer, University of Innsbruck


Transient cities and societies (Inaugural lecture)

In her inaugural lecture (in German), Professor Tabea Bork-Hüffer described the increasing dynamics in which spaces and societies change in the context of urbanisation and digitisation.

Tabea Bork-Hüffer

Geographer, University of Innsbruck

© 2025
Research Group Transient Spaces &  Societies

 Department of Geography   Heidelberg University             Berliner Str. 48, 69120 Heidelberg

 Department of Geography   University of Innsbruck
 Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck



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