
Johannes Melchert

PhD Candidate, Researcher


What drives me as a researcher is an interest in processes of inclusion and exclusion within societies, in existing (bio-)power relations shaping space, in sustainability and regional/urban planning. It fascinates me how (young) people live and experience their daily physical and digital environment or in-depth in what ways subconscious responses (e.g. eye-movement) influence our emotions in the everyday life?


With reference to my dissertation project I will focus on the target group of people with disabilities. As I self-identify as a “temporarily-able-bodied-person” it’s difficult to fully comprehend the disabled perspective. To address this limitation, I aim to conduct research collaboratively and co-productively, promoting the empowerment of individuals with disabilities and amplifying their perspectives.


I completed both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the University of Innsbruck with a semester abroad at the University of Bergen (Norway).


Office Location

Location: Bruno-Sander-Haus, 7th floor, room 60737a



by agreement

please contact me via E-Mail to book an appointment




Postal address

Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Platforms & Social Media

Research Foci

At a Glance


Europe (Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Norway)

Oceania (Australia, New Zealand)



Digital Geographies

Critical Disability Studies

Critical neuro-geographies

More-than-human geographies

Concepts & Theories

Inclusion/ exclusion


Biopower/ Biopolitics

More-than-representational theories





Mobile methods

Retrospective think-alouds

Biosensing methods (eye-tracking, GSR)

Co-productive research


Academic Career



2023 – currently    Doctoral College Student: #OrganizingtheDigital; University of Innsbruck

2022 – currently    Doctor of Philosophy Program Geography; University of Innsbruck.
Intended degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); Expected: Feb. 2027

2019 – 2022        Master’s program Global Change – Regional Sustainability; University of Innsbruck. Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc);

2018                     Erasmus+ Semester at the University of Bergen (Norway)

2016 – 2019        Bachelor study Geography; University of Innsbruck
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)






2022 – Master of Science (M.Sc)

Title of thesis: Geographical perspectives to mobile eye-tracking: a critical reflection of the study specific-development of a mobile eye-tracking analysis approach


2019 – Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Title of thesis (in German): Resilienzstrategien am Beispiel von New Orleans und Rotterdam – Eine diskursanalytische Betrachtung




Journal Articles:


Baumgartner, J., E. Kuntner, J. Melchert, J. Misera, C. Sauerwein-Schlosser, C. Schleyer and N. Unthan (2022). Biosphere Reserves as drivers of regional governance? Communication challenges within the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves Engiadina Val Müstair (Switzerland) and Schwäbische Alb (Germany). eco.mont (Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research), 15(1), pp. 4–10. doi:10.1553/eco.mont-15-1s4


About Me

What drives me as a researcher is an interest in processes of inclusion and exclusion within societies, in existing (bio-)power relations shaping space, in sustainability and regional/urban planning. It fascinates me how (young) people live and experience their daily physical and digital environment or in-depth in what ways subconscious responses (e.g. eye-movement) influence our emotions in the everyday life?


With reference to my dissertation project I will focus on the target group of people with disabilities. As I self-identify as a “temporarily-able-bodied-person”, it’s difficult to fully comprehend the disabled perspective. To address this limitation, I aim to conduct research collaboratively and co-productively, promoting the empowerment of individuals with disabilities and amplifying their perspectives.


I completed both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the University of Innsbruck with a semester abroad at the University of Bergen (Norway).

© 2024
Research Group Transient Spaces & Societies

Geographisches Institut Innsbruck
Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck



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