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The DigitAS project is completed!
The DigitAS project is completed! After three years of dedicated and productive work, our OEAW-funded DigitAS project has come to a successful end. The DigitAS project team would like to thank all those who were involved and who supported us. We are also delighted to see that on the completion of our project, our eye-tracking...
Our work on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic gains interest from the media
Our research group leader Tabea Bork-Hüffer got interviewed by the Online Magazin. In the interview Tabea argues why we should not label the young adult generation as the “lost generation” due to the pandemic. You can find the interview (in German) here. [dsm_perspective_image...
DigitAS featured in University of Innsbruck’s wissenswert magazine
Call for Papers: RGS-IBG London 2020
Call for Papers for the RGS-IBG London 2020: _______________________________ Session: Nature, Health and Digital: Transcending Borders of Exclusion into Nature Through Innovation in Digital and Immersive Solutions[dsm_perspective_image...
Bezahlte Masterarbeit zum Thema öffentliche Parks und soziale Medien
Ausschreibung Bezahlte Masterarbeit im Projekt „DigitAS – The Digital, Affects and Space“ Institut für Geographie, Universität Innsbruck (6h/Woche für 6 Monate) Thema: Öffentliche Parks in den sozialen Medien [dsm_perspective_image...
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Bork-Hüffer
Tabea Bork-Hüffer will give her inaugural lecture at the University of Innsbruck on 9 October 2019 at 6 pm in the Aula, Main Building, University of Innsbruck. Tabea Bork-Hüffer explores how social practices and power relations change places, cities and societies. The main emphasis is on three interconnected processes:...
We are getting a new Website
These are big news for us! Our research group Transient Spaces and Societies will get a new website which is currently under construction. There will be plenty of information, resources, and features here. On our new website we will present our research focus, interesting results from our research projects, display our...
© 2024
Research Group Transient Spaces & Societies
Geographisches Institut Innsbruck
Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck